¡P Obama reiterates one-China policy, pleased to see improving cross-strait ties
¡P Bush reiterates one-China policy
¡P First direct Taiwan cargo flight lands in mainland
¡P More cargo flights set between Taiwan, Mainland
¡P Direct cargo flight lands in Shanghai
¡P China aims to achieve national reunification through peaceful means: lawmaker
¡P Draft Anti-Secession Law proposes measures for cross-Straits peace
¡P President sets forth guidelines on Taiwan
¡P China-U.S. Joint Statement
¡P Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations
¡P The Jiont Sino-U.S Communique, Shanghai
¡P Liao Chengzhi s Letter to Mr.Chiang Ching-kuo
¡P NPC Standing Committee Message to Compatriots in Taiwan
¡P Spring Festival Greetings from The CPPCC National Committee to Taiwan Compatriots
¡P How to understand the role of Chinese culture in the peaceful reunification of China?
¡P What is the basic content of "one country, two systems?"
¡P Why is Taiwan "an inalienable part of China?"
¡P NPC Standing Committee Message to Compatriots in Taiwan
¡P Wu Yi: One Country, Two Systems Well Implemented in Macao
¡P White paper lauds parties' joint effort
¡P The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China
¡P The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue
¡P Mao: Message to Compatriots in Taiwan
¡P Mao Zedong: The Chinese People Have Stood Up!
¡P Cairo Declaration
¡P Yalta Declaration
¡P Potsdam Declaration
¡P Taiwan History
¡P The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue
¡P Origin of the One-China Principle
¡P Measures on the Administration of Shipping Across the Taiwan Strait
¡P Provisions on the Administration of Employment of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Residents in the Mainland
¡P Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People s Republic of China on Protection of Investments by Taiwan Compatriots
¡P Quota set to save snow lotus from extinction in NW China
¡P Volunteers protect environment
¡P Birds of paradise
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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