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China Firmly Opposes US Congratulation to Taiwan Authority
   日期:2004-04-07 15:51        編輯: system        來源:


China firmly opposes that the United States sent congratulations to the Taiwan authority after the announcement of the election results by Taiwan electoral institution, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan in Beijing Saturday.

Kong made the remarks in response to a question that the US White House spokesman expressed congratulations to the Taiwan authority after the electoral institution of Taiwan announced the election results Friday.

Kong said China firmly opposes the wrong deeds by the US, which has violated the three China-US joint communiques and interfered in China's internal affairs.

He said there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is part of China. The US government had time and again committed itself to adhering to the "one-China" policy, abiding by the three China-US joint communiques and opposing any words or activities of the Taiwan authority to change the status quo of Taiwan or to move toward "Taiwan independence", Kong said.

The US government should honor its words, he said.


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