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首頁-英文頻道-key documents-FAQ on Taiwan Issue-QA on One Country, Two System
·What is the basic content of "one country, two systems"  [2001/04/17]
·When was the concept of "one country, two systems" first formally put forward?  [2001/04/17]
·How did the concept of "one country, two systems" developed?  [2001/04/17]
·Why is the "One Country, Two Systems" Policy Feasible?  [2001/04/17]
·What are the specific policies for the peaceful reunification of Taiwan and the mainland explored by Ye Jianying?  [2001/04/17]
·When was the idea "peaceful reunification" first put forward?  [2001/04/17]
·Why should any words and deeds aimed at creating "Taiwan independence" be resolutely opposed?   [2001/04/17]
·Why must the Chinese people resolutely oppose the ideas of "two split sides with separate administrations" and "two Chinas over a period of time?"   [2001/04/17]
·Why does the Chinese Government Stand Opposed to the Taiwan Authorities Activities to "Enlarge International Living Space" Aimed at Creating "Two Chinas" or "One China, One Taiwan?"  [2001/04/17]
·How to understand Jiang Zemin s proposal "As the first step, negotiations should be held and an agreement reached on officially ending the state of hostility between the two sides in accordance with the principle that there is only one China"?  [2001/04/17]
·Why is "adherence to the principle of one China the basis and premise for a peaceful reunification"  [2001/04/17]

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